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The Three Values > The Teacher |
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The study:
The Teacher, guiding the person from life to life
People should aspire to unlimited knowledge. One should not command a man not to know. A man should not be deprived of his right to self-perfectment. Let us be known and remembered that the Teacher of life draws a line between past and future.
The realization of the significance of the idea of the Teacher is a passing through the first gates of evolution. One should not bring to the concept of the Teacher expectations of anything supermundane. The Teacher is the One who gives the best advice for life. Hasten, hasten to understand the Teacher! Let us encircle Him with a protective wall of devotion and thereby enclose ourselves within the stronghold. After you have wandered enough you will come to understand that with the Teacher, there is always success. Where defeat occurs, there has been betrayal of the Teacher. The Parable about the Garden Keeper. There was a beautiful tree, strong and green in the Garden. The Garden Keeper expected very much from it, because there was no one like this in the whole Garden. Much water, the warm sun and love of the Gardener made the plant grow fast. But once, the Garden Keeper had to go on business. He was absent few days. And when He finally returned, He was surprised seeing the tree getting dried and week. The Gardener deeply thought of something. The Garden Keeper came and took care of the plant again and again, but the next leaving was necessary. And this time His absence lasted much longer. So, what did He find on returning? His beautiful tree been so well before then seemed very seek and dying. He was very sad, but not surprised. The Gardener went on His work, but He did not pay so much attention to the tree from then on and did not protect its branch when storm. What were the GardenerТs thoughts when He had seen His tree fading for the first time? What did He understand? Every plant in the Garden is the symbol of a disciple. If the Teacher helps a chela and takes care of him, talking with him and giving explanations, He makes a tree grows. And the disciple has to tense the own strengths to be brave and solid in the aspiration to the Wisdom. Thus many УplantsФ blossom and smell until the Teacher is gone, and then die, because being unable to get and keep expensive УwaterФ, cannot consist against the hot winds of sin. Fist problem extinguishes the fire in souls of such disciples and they fade and fall. The wise Guru stopped УwateringФ such chela and leaved him without lectures and explanations. However, He loved his child and granted him Love and Divine Support, giving him the chance to strengthen him-self. And step by step the plant got better. Though it took it many years to become big and strong, beautiful green tree, the plant really did. Nowadays that tree grows in the Garden, but who can guess its difficult destiny? Different are disciples, and different are their lives, of which they are creators. To the Teacher (translation)
And every step of the Teacher is over an abyss. Signs are given not for those who decorate dust in order to get something special, but sitting inactively. Thus True Tokens always lead a real traveler. The True Sign is given through the aspiration to execute the orders. Tokens of Heaven are various. Tokens of the Teachers contain Crystals of energy. Tokens of the Lords always show the way to the Victory. The loser only does not see Them, but the winner can read Our Signs. True Love, Understanding and Unity are incompatible with manifestations of the personality. Who says that he is united with the Teacher and the Heaven and loves Them, but cannot keep his person under control, is under the strange delusion or just is lying. This conception supposes control, first of all. One once got can also lose with the same chances, if doesnТt value the Great Precious light-mindedly. One not seeing the value of something just passes by. Thus, you can pass by The Precious, and then on realizing return, but see that It is gone, because the Precious does not lie in vain, and the Heavens always find worthy hands, which can keep and increase. We are not in want of treasure-seekers. We approve Explorers of Light. |
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