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About Us > The Chorus "The Lotus" |
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The interview of the Lotus chorus director Clara P. Klimenko:
The question: Please, tell some words about the creation of your chorus? The answer: We wanted to sing very much and gathered to create the chorus. There were only 2-3 persons who had ear for music, but all the others practically did not. However there was a huge desire to sing and we have learned! Now we sing correctly, catching each tonality let alone we do this with soul and heart. The question: Why have you named your chorus "The Lotus"? The answer: If you read the encyclopedia of symbols, you will find out that the lotus is a sacred flower: It is a symbol of a cleanliness, the perfection, the parent creation and life. The white lotus opened at night amazes us with its beauty in the morning. The symbol of this flower helps the participants of our chorus to open the musical abilities, because music to be born in the silence of the heart, in ideas on beauty of the nature, and the Perfect Universe eternally varied and boundless can illuminate us. All this is reflected with our songs. They help the person to understand themselves, to reflect on life and communication with space; they can make us better, i.e. our songs waken in soul of the person best qualities and desire to make something good and kind. The question: Who is the author of songs? The answer: The most part of verses is written by Zaporozhian poetess Tatiana Svetlenko, music is composed by me basically, but the participants of the chorus begin to compose, too. Sometimes we lead up tunes to perfection collectively. We decide what will be better to sound together. It is a joint creativity and it is fine. The question: What are your plans for the future? The answer: We want our songs to reach such big audience as only possible for many people have an opportunity to hear them, notwithstanding all this is connected to the considerable expenses. At present we have already written down one audio album and plan to let it out in circulation. And we shall, certainly, work further filling up our repertoire for the perfection has no limit. The question: What do you want to wish to all people of the world? The answer: We're wishing to all people of the world to understand one thing - we all have one Earth and she is our home in the Universe, therefore all we are responsible whether our planet will live or die. The peoples of the Earth should get united through culture of mutual understanding and respect. Let strong intimate links create living human relations. Let they get stronger among people all around the world. Our organization works extremely on a voluntary and free basis. Lectures, exhibitions, video sessions pass COMPLETELY FREE-OF-CHARGE. The time-table of work can be found in Our Events. Our e-mail: |
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About Us > The Chorus "The Lotus" |