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The Three Values > The Teaching
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The Teaching given through the Teacher

Helena Roerich
Yoga - that supreme bridge to cosmic attainment - has existed through all ages. Each Teaching comprises its own Yoga, applicable to that step of evolution. The Yogas do not contradict each other. As the branches of one tree they spread their shade and refresh the traveler exhausted from heat.
His strength regained, the traveler continues on his way. He took naught that was not his, nor did he divert his striving. He embraced the manifested benevolence of space. He liberated the preordained forces. He mastered his single belonging.

Do not reject the forces of Yoga, but like light carry them into the twilight of labor unrealized. For the future, we arise out of sleep. For the future, we renew our garments. For the future, we sustain ourselves. For the future, we strive in our thought. For the future, we gather strength. First we shall apply the counsels of life. Then we shall pronounce the name of the Yoga of the time approaching. We shall hear the advancing footsteps of the element of fire, but we shall already be prepared to master the undulations of the flame. Therefore, we hail the yoga of the past - the Raja Yoga. And we affirm that of the future - the Agni Yoga.

Exterior is illusory

Many disciples can make mistakes and be visibly wrong, but have the solid connection with the Teacher, aspiration and potential, keeping the internal fire, not like those who externally “observe the laws” and fear to break own customs living in a constant slavery. Maybe you can’t “pick a quarrel” with them, but there’s a darkness in their souls. They often judge and blame others having pure souls for the external mistake, but do not so relatively to those, who externally don’t mistake misdoing, however, inside and forget about internal, true serving.

Such accidences are numerous. The external-doers often wait for the Teacher’s speech and visible action, watching Him like “a victim has an eye upon the predator”, while those, who value the internal life, expect the Teacher to grant them new impulse and some wise advice. They are not afraid of Teacher’s “words”, because they know well how to get the Teacher’s Wisdom. That’s why it is necessary to turn one’s mind to these categories of disciples.

When you put on the traveling dress and climb the Top of the Sacred Mountain, you would not wrangle about your dress and even the Path.

The only ties which have to exist are the Adamantine Ties with One who called you on the Summit and is waiting for you there. He is the Ruler of your faith, but secretly – without any pretension. He shows the better and gives the choice. But you must decipher the highest goalfitness of the offer in His words.

Many change their mundane lives and everything connected on the clothes of a traveler, not understanding that We don’t Ask to leave the social life (it’s impossible), but only Ask to put new dresses.

There are two categories of travelers. Those are the walking and suffering, and the striving and enjoying. The both advance – but how fast? The both perceive – but which conciseness with? The walking and suffering receives everything from the Teacher and does as been said. His decision is always in accordance with the Teacher’s one. But he only reaps the sufferance, because he wrangled about the traveling dresses since the moment he has put them on. But the latter find Joy everywhere, for there is only the Teacher’s Will and the Holy Goal for him. He enjoys everything that happens on the Way to the Teacher.

Suddenly, a settlement appeared and the Teacher tells to the disciples to take away their traveling clothes and sends them to the village for an uncertain time. The first does everything, but lives like a monk fearing to lose the dresses and waiting for the time when he returns on the “Path”. He refuses from the mundane life because he just afraid of exterior things. The other sees the Joy, because the Path is any word of the Teacher for him. Took off his traveling dresses, he uses common things widely, for he knows well that such being the state of matters is the Will of the Guiding One. It will carry him to the Summit. Thus, while the first suffers - the latter Enjoy.

Thus, with every entrance into the World the first reaps the sufferance and the latter strives for the enjoyment for he easily takes everything coming from the Teacher; he realizes well that a perfidy cannot be done by external action – first of all it grows inside. Thus, the first goes away from a family, wealth and all “earthly” things, taking it for the sin – and suffers. But the latter use “the blessings of the world”: he has a family and even enjoys the earthly manifestations. He thanks the Teacher for everything, understanding that everything comes from Him, and the Teacher leads a disciple the best way.

Time goes, and soon, the both come back on the Path and go to the Goal. Thus, lives and ages go in serving and ascending. And while one get the promised Summit; the choice is being made according to the level of a consciousness. The first chooses eternal Nirvana (the state of Joy and quietness), because he suffered for long time and now, at last, can get the salvation. The latter, feeling the Joy of achievement, takes not him-self for overloaded by the sufferance, but wishes the Joy and salvation for everyone, and he refuses from Nirvana.

These are the reasons and the source of two choices and two decisions. Everyone makes it in one’s own way.

There are three Paths united in One.

These are the Path of Clairvoyance, the Path of Action and the Path of Heart (the Path of Straight-Knowledge). The truly aspirating to come to Buddha begins the ascension by one of Them. However, on reaching the decisive point all these Paths fuse in the One – the Path of Serving, Sacrifice, Knowledge and Cooperation.

You can start by any of these Paths, but you will come to the Blessed One by the Unique Path. Thus, the Won One (Buddha) unites in Him-Self all the Paths. There is Salvation and the beginning of the new Path at His legs.

The Truth is kept in that is always opposite to the side of speculative arguments.

The Truth is that”the silence of the mind” is the threshold of the evolution. And as the evolution of mind (an intellect) has the limit, that of heart is infinite.

The Great Book of Verities (Knowledge) is kept at the Teachers of mankind. Its pages are real like the Life. The valiant (that is worthy) one only can raise the veil of Its Secret and touch to the Page of the Truth of Being.

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