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About Us > The philosophical club "The Lotus"
Our works:

The study:

The philosophical club "The Lotus" was created to unify the people wishing and aspiring to study various world religions, spiritual traditions, philosophical doctrines and modern sciences in order to find the path to the truth and get knowledge of laws of the Universe. The main aim of the club is help to the person to investigate all aspects of the secret side of the person's nature and to develop the person's internal potential, guiding the principles of spiritual self-improvement.

The lecture of the philosophical club

Now when doctrines of all times and peoples become accessible to a review practically to everyone, and many of them have lost its integrity and are deformed by the followers, when alongside with ancient teachings daily, as mushrooms after rain, appear new ones, and frequently they are not the first-rate quality, it is very important to apply skilled recognition of the truth, as opposed to blind acceptance of doctrines a priori. Therefore careful studying of bases and their practical application is the best antidote from ignorance and fanaticism. The philosophical club is also founded to help one to understand all this variety and to find the path to the truth.

There is a library, at the club, and a video-hall, where one can see spiritual, cultural and scientific films. The Lotus systematically organizes meetings with the interesting people concerning science, culture, philosophy and religion; talks and lectures are being given.

Some themes of talks and lectures:
  • Astronomy and Astrology;
  • Philosophy and religion;
  • People's relationship;
  • Outstanding figures of science and culture.

Similarly, the philosophical club "The Lotus" has study courses named The Esoteric Bases School. At the school one can theoretically study different questions such as the device of our Universe, laws of Life, karma and reincarnation, life evolution on our planet, latent, occult forces of a human organism and their development with the purpose of application in daily life.

Dmitry Ediment, The Chairman of the philosophical club

On the school rates (I, II) one can study bases of symbolisms, numerology, astrology etc., hear lectures about a structure of the visible human body and its invisible, energetic parts, aura, the centers of the person, soul, spirit, the Great Teachers of the Earth and many others. The rate lasts one academic year and consists of two semesters. Training at school helps students to generate a new, true outlook and, having adapted for conditions of the modernity to reform own life in harmony with the world through Love and Goodwill.

The lecture of the philosophical club

Our organization works extremely on a voluntary and free basis. Lectures, exhibitions, video sessions pass COMPLETELY FREE-OF-CHARGE. The time-table of work can be found in Our Events.

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About Us > The philosophical club "The Lotus"

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