The public organization, Zaporozhye in the Ukraine
The information on the organization Calendar of events of the departments of the organization Lectures on philosophical, scientific and religious themes The three values of the Buddhism - the Teacher, the Teaching, the Community Useful links, the archive, the reading matter, works of art
The study
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The study:

You can find the interesting and useful information on these pages:

  • The Chalice of Fire
    Reading biographies of heroes and spiritual podvijnics, we often find many dates and events in them, and we try to guess the interior world by external lines of the fate. But the spirit alone besides the Teacher knows the real steps of ascent. That is why we value so high everything come from the heart of the person – diaries, poems and ideas.

  • There are many useful links on philosophy, culture, sciences etc. on this page.

  • On this page you can find the works of the members of the Spiritual Culture Centre and our friends, telling about Beauty, Love and Power of Human Spirit.

  • The following page will acquaint you with the Chorus “The Lotus” (lyrics, poems and music).
Our partners:

The Three Values:

Our e-mail:
The study

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