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Mutual relation of two Principles

Relation of the Man and the Woman. This is the question which excites mankind at all times. We shall try to answer it at a first approximation. But not about a passion, a sexual inclination and a desire we shall talk. We shall not take to consider cheap horoscopes of compatibility and shameful temptation. We shall talk about a life - the Real, Space Life.

In no time there will be appeared objectors telling that in fact all mentioned is a real life - women are attracted to men, and on the contrary. We can answer to them that males of animals are attracted to females with sexual passion and desire to reproduce posterity, but the man is higher essence, - he is a creator on all planes, and, first of all, on moral and spiritual. And this distinguishes him from an animal. Though, the humanity living in the physical world gives rise to the posterity by means of the sexual act, too, nevertheless this is the Great Sacrament of the Nature of which essence was piously kept in Ancient Mysteries. And only today this was humiliated up to simple automatic duplication and searching of sinful voluptuousness.

So, if animals and habitants of other kingdoms of the nature generate uncountable quantities of cubs which already in the first days of their life are able to live as rather high-grade ones: to move, eat, sleep and survive in severe conditions of an inhabitancy, but one must spends years and even decades for to give birth, bring up and give the world the completely generated person. Whether anybody thought how unique and extremely-multiple the human organism is? How perfect and valuable it is! And its visible with the naked eye part is only a top of an iceberg. Much more there is hidden behind a side obvious. And it is necessary to think and speak about this today, because mankind is under the veil of ignorance. Having confused itself with animals as more than once it happened during far former times, now it scribes its family tree from the apes!

We have got used to contrast the Man and the Woman in our mind. We just speak so - "the opposite gender". Though actually it is far from being so. In fact even anatomically, If to consider physiology, and psychologically, if to study emotions and intelligence, it is possible to be convinced, that the Man and the Woman is the same essence. Simply by virtue of evolutionary problems the part of individuals of the kingdom has developed in itself one side of the nature, and the special group of active organs was allocated at them, but the second part perfectly has seized other one, supplementing the first. Indisputably the structure of an organism and potential abilities of the person are available for both woman and man. Even genitals active at first, may be found in the reduced form at latter. And then farther from the earth and closer to inner world of the person, then there are similarities more than distinctions. And women and men equally are able to think, express themselves through emotions and have similar feelings. And, at last, rising to top of the pyramid, we see, that internal Spiritual Force is the lever uniting absolutely all people, without advantage of color of their skin, age, gender or other reserves.

Let's remember, how manifestation of this Great Force and its Carriers admires us - Heroes, Spiritual Toilers, and Builders of the Life. It only makes cowardly, chained in slavish circuits of ignorance and fear, people run into denying and furious rage of powerlessness. We admire with the mother who with all man's courage having been appareled at armour of Podvig and Resoluteness, is ready to fight for the sake of her children to all daily perturbations up to last drop of blood or the woman whose consciousness has broadened out of limits of family and already covers whole humanity. How she defends the Justice and ideas of Common Good! As well we admire with the father who with parent heartfelt love and self-sacrifice, is ready to give his life for beloved ones. And if this is the Father of the nations or the Great Teacher of mankind! Krishna, Buddha, Christ, Mohammed

We can find much more examples of such admiration and reverence when women show man's qualities, and men show woman's ones. And the reason is the knowledge of laws of the Universe and understanding of Creating Fire that lives somewhere in secret depths of human soul, in the Man and the Woman.

However, how many shameful pages are being stored by the history of the Earth! Pages describing a shame of gender's opposition. The Great Teachers and Guides of Human's thought constantly have to clear consciousness of races from filth filling them. Entire his life Buddha Gautama promoted an establishment of women's schools and monasteries in order to show to the world, that a woman has all chances and abilities to be educated, enlightened, and even attain Nirvana. Two thousand years later Jesus Christ did the same things. And His best and maybe the only true disciple was a woman - Maria Magdalena. She did saw Him after revival and had told about it to apostles. But " the holy fathers of church " called them-selves deputies of the God on the Earth, within long centuries, still was arguing on whether a woman have a soul ,and whether she can reach the Kingdom of the God or whether she is a person at all?! The only thing that can be said about this is following: if a woman is not a person then she must be a superperson - the Goddess!

Due to her we come into this world (the woman carries out 98 % of work on a birth and bringing up of a child!). Invisibly she stands near the rudder of the History, inspiring and directing its currents. And who gives to the world its Savior if not she?! And not each woman has opened this valuable gift, yet, but everyone has its grain inside. And as all on this Earth should be brought up in work and patience, to blossom, ripen and yield the fruits like a wheaten ear also a woman should carry the Fire of the soul through entire life, indefatigably supporting and multiplying it. The Man can and should help to her with it because there is no bird with one wing, as there is no gate with one support in the basis. The Man and the Woman have been created for each other. For joint Space Creativity, Light and Pure. And helping the Woman to realize her divinity the Man becomes the God him-self. In fact the armour of Mars has been shaped by Volcano and Venus! And, being at war with each other and destroying the integrity, men and women of the Earth have led the planet to that pitiable state which we have for today. And where shall we find a shelter in the Universe in case of a trouble? How shall we decorate the Space Existence?

P.S. Dear reader, your questions and commentaries can be sent to our e-mail: We will certainly look through them and try to reply you.

Dmitry Ediment

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