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No religion higher than truth Satya nasti paro dharmah With the approach of New Age the time has come to dethrone "the highest God" of every nation in favour of the One Universal Divinity - the Deity of Immutable Law, the Deity of Just Reward (not Forgiveness which leads to iteration of misdeed). The greatest crime against humanity that has been ever done was being done the day when first priest had made up first prayer with mercantile goals. The God who can be pleased with unjust prayers "to bless the weapon" of the petitioner and to put to rout the thousands of the enemies, his or her brothers; the Deity that can be thought about as one who will not stay indifferent to praising and celebrating is just such representation of God makes persons egoistic, uncertain ones. If prayer is being done with pure feelings and the fiery aspiration going out of a heart for the sake of Common Good and when it is free of any personal benefit such prayer is ennobling. Anguishing for the Supermundane is naturally property of the mankind, but this felicity must be shared with others. One can understand and set a high value upon the words of Socrates, the pagan, who said with a deep wisdom: "We have to pray about blessings for everyone, because Gods know much better what is good for us." The official supplication in favour of an individual in spite of other people's loss is the most shameful crime, a misplaced self-conceit and a superstition. This heritance has been acquired by robbery just right from Jehovists and Jews of the Desert and the Golden Calf. Everyone who offers to somebody to believe blindly and who carries away people, subordinating them to one's powerful will does harm mankind, even if it is being done unintentionally. Because of that the person has to shun such ones in spite of their kindness and greatness. Nowadays as long ago, there are many dancing and singing sects all around the world, spreading like a contagion. One has to know that they are dangerous and try to avoid them by all possible means. We will be told that ceremonies, rituals, worships and formal prayers are absolutely necessary. But we will never agree to these arguments, because the external developes at expenses and to prejudice of the internal which is only real and true. All the Great Teachers: Buddha, Zoroaster, Jesus and others were implacable opponents of the exterior demonstrating of devotion, false splendour of ceremonial performances, bigotry and hypocrisy. Dogmas, blindly-believing and power were always a malediction of the humanity and extinguishers of Light and Truth. Not less clear Origen says concerning to the Bible and the symbolism of its texts. He exclaims: "If we would follow the letter and had to understand things written in the Scripture similarly to Jews and common people, then I should get red for shame before I acknowledge that these laws were given by God, because the laws created by people seem much better and sensible." And there were enough reasons for this sincere and honest father of early Christianity "to get red". But Christians and Jehovists of our high-educated, civilized century do not get red at all, but on the contrary "swallow up" light before the Sun's birth, Moses who describes his own death, Aaron who died twice and was buried in two different places and all other notwithstanding. Origen indignantly asks: "Which reasonable person can agree to the information that the first, the second and the third days which had an evening and a morning had not the Sun, the Moon and stars and the first day had no sky? Where can we find such idiot to believe that the God planted trees in the Eden like a farmer etc.? I think that each person has to consider all these things as symbols, behind which the secret meaning was hidden. " However, there are still millions of "idiots" in our enlightened times as there were in III century. If to add to all this the unequivocal words of Paul that the story about Abraham and his sons is an allegory and that Agar is mount Sinai (Galatians 22-25) , then one cannot blame a Christian or a heathen refusing to take the Bible for anything different than a very skilled allegory. "Highest" Gods of religions and sects were invented for shut in the Universal Divinity. Christians can exculpate the acceptation of their God by unknowing the real meaning. But why one must praise Jews of Moses rejected all other Gods and only kept the most phallic one, calling them-selves monotheists? Jesus constantly ignored Jehovah. He proclaimed "the Moses' Law" which had not been written by Moses at all. He only owned His Heavenly Father and warned against a public worship. However, there are so little people knowing the fact that neither Jesus nor Peter was not the real founder of the Christianity, but Saint Paul. He belonged to the circle of Initiates: "According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon." (1st Corinthians, 3:10). This heathen apostle is the true founder of the Christianity. "For I speak to you Gentiles, inasmuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles, I magnify mine office" (Romans, 11:13). For Paul Christ is not a personality, but an embodied idea: "If any person walks in the Christ then he is a new creation." He just reborn like after an initiation, for the Lord is the spirit of the person. Paul was the only apostle to understand secret ideas lying in the bases of Jesus' Teaching, though he never met the Christ. Everyone should to know that there are two quite different schools in the both Jewish Sacred Scribes and the Bible. These are the Elochistic and the Jehovistic. They always were antagonistic. The former were Foreseers (Roh) and the latter were Foretellers and Prophets (Nabhi). Christians and Jehovists of the present day did not know about their gods and do not want to know at all only relying upon a blindly-believing of the followers labouring under delusion. When Gnostic's Jehovah (Ilda Baoth ), cried out: "I am the Father and the God", Sophia Achamoth , his mother replied: "Don't lie, Ildabaoth, because the first man (Anthropos) is above you." Still the first sentence of the Bible has mistakes and alterations. Every Jewish scientist knows it. The translation of the phrase "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" (Genesis, 1:1) without any cabalistic and occult methods of deciphering, in Moses' days was read "There have developed (evolved) Gods (Elohim), Heaven and earth in the Origin." Having made the highest God of Jehovah, one of Elohim, Christian Church brought forth such a hopeless confusion in Heavenly Hierarchy in spite of many tomes written by Thomas Aquinas and his school on this subject. However, let us leave all these and many other delusions for Jews and bookmen, because Jehovah is only a superior God for Israel and Jehovists: "For I know that the LORD is great, and that our Lord is above all gods." (Psalms, 135:5). And what will we have to do with Jehovists' distorting, when they say: "For whosoever shall call upon the name of Jehovah shall be saved" instead "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Romans, 10:13). At first view it seems like an inessential alteration. But every religion differently names the God, then what about them? Each assertion of Christian churches' "fathers" and chiefs of Jehovists or other communities is being naively accepted by hundreds of thousand people all around the world. It takes place because they do not know and always do not want to know what is described in Bibles (Holy Books) of other peoples. And now we are going to ask frankly: "Why a fanatic and bigoted priest coveting to convert somebody to 'the only true faith' would not to use every means, and not only pure, to realize the task? Does he do this for his own benefit, or on purpose of 'salvation of soul' from 'eternal punishment'?" If there is any magic here - this is a holy magic that is worth the reward, at his sight. Such is the power of blindly-believing. And what do "fathers" of countries and peoples, different ministries and committees look at while these totalitarian sects using the power of money are getting possibilities to turn people, especially youth into zombies? P.S. Dear reader, your questions and commentaries can be sent to our e-mail: We will certainly look through them and try to reply you. |
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