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The Mother of the World The true is immutable, that everything existing in the Universe has the Father and the Mother. The Universe has the Father and the Mother, too. These are the Spirit and the Matter. Each solar system in the Universe and each planet in system have the Father and the Mother. Our planet is not an exception and she has her own Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. In the head of all, behind a cover, there is "the Endless and Incessant Breath" of existence. But on the Plane of Manifestation Eternally Womanly Nature (the Great Mother of the World) reigns. Every cosmic principle has the reflections, the personification, on the Earth. So, if in the space aspect the Mother of the World is Mulaprakriti (Primary Matter, Great Creative Force, and Energy of Fire) contained everything and engendering everything in her, and then in earthly reflection she is the Great Spirit of the feminine principle. Every manifestation, every aspect and every symbol is being personified by Great Individuality. Similarly each High Individuality has the Substitutes, nearest to Him or Her by the Ray. Sometimes these High Spirits incarnate themselves. So the High Individuality embodied as Isis, Ishtar, etc. may not be the Great Ruleress's Spirit, but, certainly, was illuminated by Her Ray. Because of that, in legends those images have merged with name of the Great Mother (MW). All the most ancient religions esteem МW as this or that female deities and always honor goddesses as they did gods. In her letters H. Roerich marks, that in the East cults of Mother of the World, Kali or Durga is distributed everywhere, and is prevailing in Hinduism. In Mongolia and Tibet Dukkar or White Tara is very much honored with Her sisters - other Taras. And only during the epoch previous to occurrence of Christianity, honoring of the Mother of the World, as femanine deities, began to decrease. And in the latest world religions such as Moslem and Christianity, it has disappeared. In Moslem completely, and in Christianity the holy Virgin Mary only left, though she is not MW, but any honoring of the feminine principle concerns to Her. It has taken place not casually. It is known, that after Atlantis when the Lucifer struck a cult of Spirit MW wished to hide the Face and the Name from mankind, until an hour of the luminaries came. Maybe it is possible to explain by desire of Mother of the World to hide Her Face, that in the Christian doctrine the Great Universal Trinity consisting of the Father, the Mother and the Son, has been replaced with a Trinity consisting of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, i.e. the Holy Spirit appeared instead of the Mother - the Feminine Principle. The Universe, certainly, has lost nothing because of that, but humiliation of the Feminine Principle continued. People have lost understanding value of the great law of balance of the Principles. The Great Individuality who has taken up the responsibility for our Earth for the certain period (all cycle of the planetary existence) and titled as the Mother of the World is at the head of the Hierarchy of Light on our planet. Lords and Their Mother came on our planet at the end of 3-rd Race because connection with Heavenly Forces began to weaken with development of a dense matter. The Mother of the World is not a legend or an imagination of theosophists, but the reality and the Great Individuality actively participating in creation of our planet, in development of Evolution of the Life on it and in destiny of every Her children. Truly, as we cannot imagine the earthly family without human mother, we cannot imagine the existence of Cosmos without Divine Mother. As each loving mother takes care about everything, paying much attention to education of her children, encouraging them to work and developing in them the highest qualities, precisely our Heavenly Mother does so. Unrecognized and uncalled by many, She is full of cares of each of us. She pays especial attention to those who is able to help Her with an enlightenment of ignorant mankind. She sends them to podvig of entering of Light in darkness and a struggle against it. Her sons are the Seven Lords. Every of them respond for one of the seven Circles. They manifest them in all seven Races of a planetary Circle of the Life (Manuantara ). It is told in the Teaching: "The one Mother of both Lords is not a symbol but a Great Manifestation of the Feminine Origin, in which is revealed the spiritual Mother of Christ and Buddha. She it was Who taught and ordained Them for achievement. From times immemorial the Mother of the World has sent forth to achievement. In the history of humanity, Her Hand traces an unbreakable thread." The great tragedy of all devotees of spirit during all dark epoch is that all guiders, wise men and Teachers coming from the Supreme World to the aid of mankind were being invariable pursued and destroyed by forces of evil. The Mother of the World grieves over all these tormented gods, her children. But her grief will turn to pleasure in the near future. The Truth demanded victims for the statement, and both all these great and small victims brought by Forces of the Good bring the fruit for the mankind's salvage sake. A dark epoch, in which forces of evil had overweight, comes to an end. There comes an epoch of Mother of the World or Satya Yuga. The Great Mother of the World collects tormented bodies of Sons, sent by Her, into the Uniform Body of the Uniform God and all Teachings, preached by Them, to the Uniform and Inseparable Knowledge. The mankind rises on the higher step of consciousness. That was for the majority a secret times ago and what could be only informed to the initiated Adepts, presently becomes property of all. The Great Mother of the World shows again Her Face to mankind. In "The Cosmic Legends of the East" it is told, that the Epoch of the Mother of the World should begin, when Her star (Svati-Venus) will come closer to the Earth. In 1924 the star of the Mother of the World for short term extraordinary approached to the planet. Its Powerful Rays reached the Earth, and created many new, secret combinations, which made great consequences. "Urusvati. It is time to say that this is the name we have given to the star which is irresistibly approaching the Earth. Since long ago it has been the symbol of the Mother of the World, and the Epoch of the Mother of the World must begin at the time of Her star's unprecedented approach to the Earth. The Great Epoch is beginning, because the spirit understanding is linked with the Mother of the World. Even to those who know the date it is marvelous to behold the physical approach of the predestined. The approach of this very great Epoch is important; it will substantially change the life of the Earth. A Great Epoch! I rejoice so much, seeing how the new rays are piercing the thickness of the Earth. Even though in the beginning they are hard to bear, yet their emanation induces new elements, so needed for the impetus. New rays are reaching the Earth for the first time since its formation. Today is the beginning of the feminine awakening. A new wave has reached Earth today, and new hearths have become alight; for the substance of the rays penetrates deeply. It is joyous to feel the approach of the New Epoch."( Illumination, 2.4.11) The Future Teacher announces to mankind an epoch of the Mother of the World: "Ruleress, I pronounce Thee the great Co-worker of Cosmic Reason. Ruleress, thou, beyond all cosmic powers, bearest within thyself the sacred seed which provides radiant life. Ruleress, affirming all manifestations of the Great Reason, thou art the bestower of joy of cosmic creativeness. The Ruleress will adorn the aspiring realm with creative fire. Ruleress of thought, thou who invokest life, to Thee We make manifest the radiance of Our Ray. Mother, venerated of the Lords, We carry in Our Heart the fire of Thy Love. In thy Heart lives the ordaining Ray. In Thy Heart life is conceived, and We shall affirm the Ray of the Ruleress. Yes, yes, yes! Thus the Cosmos lives in the greatness of the two Origins. Yes, yes, yes! Thus the Cosmos crowns the two Origins. Thus the Mother of the World and the Lords build life. Yes, yes, yes! And in boundless striving the Cosmic Magnet welds its sacred parts. Thus, We venerate the Ruleress beyond all spheres." (Hierarchy, §9) In "Facets of Agni Yoga" (11) the Mother of the World addresses to the daughters and sons: "I Send in Rays the Energies of the New Epoch to children of the Earth. They should be accepted, realized, assimilated by heart and then approved on the Earth… The New Rays have touched the heart of woman, and she has woken up, and on a face of the Earth this awakening amplifies nowadays, and the New Country goes ahead. The New Rays have touched the heart - and art prospers. The New Rays have touched the brain - and stiffened heaps of the ages held down spirit freedom fall. Thus My Rays waken the world, both people and the life by their power. People persist and struggle against them, but unless can the person resist to Cosmic Forces. In spite of anything the life will be changed, and the New World will win the old world, for My Rays above the Earth". The task of each of us to assimilate by the heart sent Divine Rays and to give these energies filled with Love to the entire world. Only this way we can become the true co-workers of the Hierarchy. Reverence of parents is the basic mode of any moral code, but reverence of the mother goes ahead. After concept of the Teacher еру mother is the highest, the most sacred among all human concepts. If the role and value of any earthly mother is so important for the person, his/her Heavenly Mother has immeasurably the greater value, because everyone during consecutive lives has many earthly mothers, but the Heavenly Mother can be only one. That person will be happy who will understand it and, as Christ spoke, will render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to the God - God's. One can remembering and esteeming earthly mother always honors and call in all needs Heavenly Mother. Those will be blessed the country and peoples which the first to build the Temple of the Great Mother in which hymns in honour of the Ruleress of the World will be being sung and in which the priestess will be - a woman. Spirit and Matter are uniform and are two poles of the same Primary Element. Spirit is subtle Matter, and Matter crystallized Spirit. In the structure of the Universe both Spirit and Matter separately taken, do not create anything. The connection of them only generates life. All continuousness of Cosmic Creativity shown in boundless variety of every possible forms of Life consists in combinations of Spirit and Matter and the scale of their correlations. Confluence of Spirit with Matter and Father with Mother is the basic law of the Universe. Under this Law the Universe arises, develops and lives. As the cosmic aspiration to a unification between Spirit and Matter has for an object the cosmic creativity directed by a boundless life and is based on an attraction of the Origins to each other, as on the earthly plane of evolution the aspiration to a unification of the principles now only pursues mostly egoistical purposes of pleasure and satisfaction of desires and is based not on equality and harmonious cooperation, but on rivalry and aspiration to enthralment of one principle by another. Entire the Kali Yuga coming to an end presently, passed in an atmosphere of humiliation of the Woman. Any nation and the state achieved the greater or smaller development depending on as far as Balance of the Principles had been kept, because the Balance of the Principles only gives great civilizations. Enthralment of the Feminine Origin leads to decline. N.Uranov writes in the book "Pearls of Searches", that Day of the Woman is not casually dated for March, 8. This date falls at 17grad26' of Pisces, when the Sun affirms in the diameter Pisces- Virgo, just in the middle of a sign of the Mother of the World. The sign of the Eight consists of two connected circles: lower is a circle of the earthly life and upper - a circle of Supermundane. The earthly life's circle is a birth, a life and a death. The circle of Supermundane life is a transition in the Subtle World, Devachan, rest, a pulse to an embodiment, construction of kama manas and the astral body, connection with the Body of the Mother and the beginning of a new earthly circle. The Eight is a symbol of infinite circulation, accepted in mathematics for a designation of Infinity. Being the crown of the Life and trampling on death by death, Woman - the Mother of Mankind enables to renew cycles of an incarnation and to evolve to mankind on the Earth. Earthly mother gives a terrestrial eternal life; the Heavenly Mother gives the infinite life to Spirit. P.S. Dear reader, your questions and commentaries can be sent to our e-mail: We will certainly look through them and try to reply you. |
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