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What is the Theosophy?
The philosophical school named Theosophy was created by the Himalayan Mahatmas and Their disciples with the purpose to unify isolated particles of Truth and to reconcile two formations are being in opposition - academic science and religion.
Even at a superficial sight on the history of the Earth, it is the obvious fact, that the peoples reached tops of their civilizations, when the culture was in the greatest development. When there were the institutes promoting masses' education; when aesthetics was in the centre of attention; when art was an integral part of daily life and was not only a moral satisfaction, but, first of all, the way of researching of the world. In different times different peoples had various forms of realization of these tasks. There was always a caste engaged in discovering Laws of the Universe. Priests of this caste created various myths, legends and cults in order to keep this knowledge. By means of their allegory, servants of the Ancient Science, whenever possible, gave out some information in the language of signs and symbols. During all historical period to different peoples Teachers were sent. They were reformers and founders of religions, leaders of peoples, scientists, art workers and legendary persons. They directed the planetary consciousness and were a source of new ideas of evolution. After leaving of the Teachers, the followers ceasing to understand the sense of the Teachings and, having lost clues to decoding, promoted degeneration of this knowledge in various religious cults, which only cared of the external form of the Doctrine. Therefore making the comparative analysis of philosophies, using keys of symbolism, it becomes possible to open the Sacred Knowledge, they contain. And modern scientific researches in every possible way promote this. So with the purpose to unify isolated particles of Truth and to reconcile two formations are being in opposition - academic science and religion, the philosophical school named Theosophy was created by the Himalayan Mahatmas and Their disciples. Founders and permanent heads of this organization were Russian writer Helena Blavatsky and American colonel Henry Olcott. This school has united ancient and modern philosophical doctrines, specifying on their Uniform Source. As the people at all times, studying one Earth and learnt the same laws, that the Truth does not change, but only appears in different points of view. And this Secret Doctrine was given by the founders of The Theosophical Society guided by the Great Teachers. The problems, that the Theosophy puts studying are laws of a nature, society, Microcosm and Macrocosm. The Theosophy is a path not of physical disciplines, a meditation, or an asceticism - but of the practice in daily life. It helps the discerning student to discover moral and spiritual guide-posts by which to learn to govern his or her life and thus contribute to the Common Good. P.S. Dear reader, your questions and commentaries can be sent to our e-mail: We will certainly look through them and try to reply you. |
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