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Questions - Answers> On Martian heels
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The 'Face' on Mars made from far distance

On Martian heels

The question:
I would like to know something about the hill in the shape of a face on the surface of the Mars and about ones that are similar to Egyptian pyramids.

Concerning to esoteric tradition all planets of our Solar system develop them-selves cyclically. Their evolution may be divided into some periods called Circles or Smaller Manvantaras. Every planet passes through seven Circles; each consists of seven Root-races. For example, the Earth is in its Fourth Circle, on the stadium of the transition from Fifth Root-race to the Sixth one. There are also periods of the rest (Pralayas), during which the planet life sinks and completes the strength in order to rise from its own ashes just like the phoenix, on next plane of the Being. Nowadays, the Mars has an obscuration. The life of the planet has calmed down not so long ago by the cosmic measures. The next level of the evolution of the Mars will be similar to that of our planet today.

Archaic scientists new well about the reasonable life on the Mars, and modern scientists have all chances to know this, too. Many facts proved scenically come in support of such position. Thus, comparing the both Earthly and Martian conditions, explorers conclude that there is the great resemblance between these planets, and the biologic life is quite possible on the Mars let alone other forms of it.

On the red planet scientists discovered beds of the dried away rivers and the СseasТ been full of water 3.5 billion years ago. In 1984 in the Antarctica they found the meteorite came to us from the Mars; it contained traces of organic living. The age of the meteorite was determined as about 3 billion years. Cosmometeorologists note the fast modifications of Martian climate. The terms of this changing are completely corresponded to the Secret Doctrine teaching of the spiraled evolution of planets (Circles and Races).

However, when one collects all the facts about the Mars, appearing hither and thither like guide-posts (the channels of Schiaparelli, the Martian meteorite, researches of modern astronomers and teachings of the ancient ones), the novels of many writers told of the reasonable life on the red planet (СAelitaТ by Aleksey Tolstoy and others) become more truthful then hypotheses of some scientists.

As to the matter of the Martian hills, let us, firstly, give you some advice: for our answer would be easy to understand for you, the books from the list given below should be learnt very well.

Yes, we know that there is the hill in the shape of a face on the surface of the Mars. But it is such kind of symbol as Сa manТ on the Moon. Today, the Mars is in its obscuration and has no physical living. And the post (the hill) is just the mark of the Spirit, telling about Сthe restТ of the planet. No one built it; elements, subordinated to the planetary Ruler, sculptured this. In the beginning of the pralaya the big meteor fell down on the planetТs surface and got dipped in the upper layers of the ground. And since that time, from year to year it was being shaped by atmospheric effects. When the time of Cycles changing had come, this event became the evidence of the beginning of the MarsТ sleeping period. Even on the Earth we have many incredible faces and figures.

The 'Face' on Mars made from near distance

Manvantara (Sk.) A period of manifestation, as opposed to Pralaya (dissolution, or rest), applied to various cycles, especially to a Day of Brahma, 4,320,000,000 Solar yearsЧand to the reign of one ManuЧ 308,448,000. ManuantaraЧbetween Manus.

Pralaya (Sk.) A period of obscuration or reposeЧplanetary, cosmic or universalЧthe opposite of Manvantara.

The recommended sources:

  1. H.P. Blavatsky., The Secret Doctrine. - London: The Theosophical Publishing Company, Limited, 1888
  2. H.P. Blavatsky., The Theosophical Glossary. - London: The Theosophical Publishing Society, 1892
  3. Stepan Stulginsky., Cosmic Legends of the East.
  4. Max Heindel., The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception.
  5. The Mahatma Letters. СThe Chalice of the EastТ. Ц London, 1926
  6. Camille Flammarion., Astronomy for Amateurs. - New York, 1904

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