The public organization, Zaporozhye in the Ukraine
The information on the organization Calendar of events of the departments of the organization Lectures on philosophical, scientific and religious themes The three values of the Buddhism - the Teacher, the Teaching, the Community Useful links, the archive, the reading matter, works of art
About Us > How to help
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The study:

Thanks for your interest!
The public organization The Spiritual Culture Centre (SCC) in Zaporozhye is a noncommercial organization which is taking place on self-financing. The most part of SCC activities is being made extremely on a voluntary and free basis. Lectures, exhibitions, video seances pass COMPLETELY FREE-OF-CHARGE and is financed mainly due to a membership dues and donations. Our organization will be grateful for any financial or any other help. The received means will be directed on payment of rent, municipal payments and further promotion and improvement of the Center works. Beforehand we thank you on behalf of members of The Spiritual Culture Centre and we do not doubt that your participation in the decision of a problem of revival and development of Culture will bring huge benefit.

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The Three Values:

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About Us > How to help

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