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The aura and the subtle-matter radiation
We often use the names of colors to express our emotional states saying “he turned red from anger”, “blue dreams”, “the grey sorrow” and “golden words”. The source of these cliches is clear - in the past mankind could see an aura and tried to describe it verbally. Recently, the human thought turns to this conception more and more. Some modern theories teach that the aura is “the matter” coming out of the space, which is occupied by physic body. This is true in a like manner as the sunlight is a part of the sun, the light of a lamp is a part of electricity and the aroma of a flower is the flower itself. Actually, the aura is the emanation – the energy related to such radiation as X-rays or the ultraviolet. It always stays invisible to man’s eyes except some cases. Now, let us regard the teaching about the aura as it was given in ancient times and what it is in the light of modern sciences today. The first in-writing mention about the aura appeared in the works of Pythagoreans about 2600 years ago. Homer described the aura as “the shining mist that is being emanated by Divine Essence”. The ancient Buddhist texts tell about an unusual light emanating from the body of Buddha which was observed by His nearest disciple Ananda. Studying the Buddhist sources one may find many valuable indications about the purely physical manifestation of radiation. It is indicated as of a luminous and most subtle quality which surrounds man and is the nearest inward factor of human perception. "This matter is exceedingly fine, as the radiance of a diamond, imponderable, incombustible, disappearing after death without any traces. Nevertheless it is atomic." The famous philosopher and doctor Paracelsus (1493-1541) from Switzerland was the first to write about the aura in Europe. Having degree, he set out on a journey about European countries and spent much time studying phitology, dentistry and philosophy. He came to a conclusion that there is some vital force, “of which inner and outer emanations are a shining sphere alike”. Paracelsus aspired to put his discovery into practice and to use magnetic influence of this force while healing. Following the Theosophical Glossary by H. P. Blavatsky the aura is a subtle invisible essence or fluid that emanates from human and animal bodies and even things. It is a psychic effluvium, partaking of both the mind and the body, as it is the electro-vital, and at the same time an electro-mental aura. Nowadays this radiation is known to Europeans under the name of aura. This radiation is quite normal and it has been scientifically proved that not only all human and animal organisms possess it, but even trees, plants and stones. The term “aura” comes from Greek “blowing”, “breathing”. In its turn, to Greek this root comes from more ancient Chaldean “ur” – “light”. Energies emanated by an aura contain the information about the person, his/her way of living, thoughts and feelings. An aura reflects minds and the psychic state with photographic precision. The science has already approached to the spheres invisible to the physical eye, and abroadened the limits of the matter and its phenomena. It has been taken many photographs of the radiance of magnets, metals, plants, animals, men and many cosmic objects, and proved that all organisms and things possess such radiation. The first of the scholars and scientists to point out this characteristic was Baron Reichenbach. He proved this radiation to be quite natural and his experiments were expounded in detail in his "Researches of 184-45." Similarly in Paris, Dr. Baraduc took photographs of this radiation, and now all over the world whole institutions are devoted to the study of human emanations - auras. It has been proved that this radiation may be of different shades, that it expands in volume, and grows in intensity of light, according to the spiritual and intellectual development of the man. Such manifestations as sudden flashes of colored rays emanating from the shoulders have also been noted. But science-has not found any explanation for the origin of such flashes. Mention has been made of the decrease in power of the light of these emanations during ailing conditions of the organism. The most systematic and long-lasted researches were carried out by the Kirlians. Their experiments indicated that a man emanates the whole battery of chemical rays. These beams were being taken on films. The Kirlians pointed out, that diverse parts of human body have their own colors. Thus, the domain of the heart is electric blue, that of the shoulders is blue-green and the legs’ is olive. Moreover, unexpected emotions (fear etc.) and disease have the influence upon colors of images. The Soviet scientists found out that photographing after the Kirlians may be used to diagnose the illness in its earliest stadium. Especially it concerns the diagnostics of cancer. In the future photographing auras will bring the great profit in the medicine. It will make diagnostics faultless, set right coalescing of members of collectives and make the marriage bonds stronger. All that will lead our society to the spiritual well-being. Photos of auras can help to recognize the malicious ones and tricksters. They will be useful in agriculture and selection, during detecting and making prognosis on the growth capability of seeds. The dead ones may be easily disclosed, because they do not produce the radiation. Very interesting may be photographing of a tense-working brain and of its parts, reading thoughts and transmitting them on the long distance. We cannot avoid photographing personal emanations in the future. They will replace passports, for it is quite impossible to forge an aura. It always shows the real face of its master. Nowadays, such photos taken on AURA CAMERA 6000 and others are being used widely in some fields of our life. The human aura is the result of person’s life. Everything happening inside, in no time, is reflecting in vital space around one. It influences on one’s health and general state. Verily, we are creators of our happiness or unhappiness. Everything has taken place in our life or will to, is only consequents of our own thinking and acting. It completely depends on us what qualities will possess our auras – if it is either a source of diseases and malignity or a spring of the light and the good. Willing or not the person takes active part in the space life. Everyone and everything is constantly in mutual operating upon each other. Besides direct effects through the auric radiation, there are also indirect ones, so multiform, that they cannot be itemized and even countable. Everything manufactured by people, as like as thoughts produced by them, carries its own energetic layers invisibly being passed on to all and sundry. It is impossible to tell all sorts of human relationship. All we are investing in the aura of the Earth our own emanations which are either pure or maleficent. Even the breath of malicious person is poisoned by different gases, let alone his or her subtle radiance. The whole book can be written about venomousness and goodness in people’s relations. All earthmen are responsible for their planet. And this is we who decides the future destiny of our world.
Dmitry Ediment P.S. Dear reader, your questions and commentaries can be sent to our e-mail: We will certainly look through them and try to reply you. |
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