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Lectures > Philosophy and religion
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Philosophy is the Path of Knowledge

The truth goes towards one who searches for it. /Mencius/

"Ignorance is a stain staining persons more others", the Buddhism, one of world religions says. The person is so much a slave to a nature and circumstances as he/she is an ignorant. In modern conditions it is possible to be internally free, being in prison, and to feel like the slave, having the big material benefits and authority.

According to ancient teachings, the person can get Freedom, being going on the Path of Knowledge. This way the person's soul and the consciousness are being released from darkness of ignorance, superstitions and prejudices. He/she seizes forces of a nature and secrets of one's Self. Expanding the consciousness, one realizes one's self as a cosmic essence which is capable to solve problems of universal scale. Here the cosmic being begins for the person and entire mankind. The earthly person turns into a God-man - an essence of which the cosmists (philosophers) dreamed naming him the Wise Owner, the Director and the Improver of Nature. Whether we see persons like this now? What will help the person decided to follow the Path of Knowledge to turn into the Wise Owner?

He will be helped by a science philosophy. Philosophy is a form of public consciousness, the teaching about the general principles of Life and Knowledge, about the relation of the person and the world, a science about laws of evolution of the nature, a society and thinking. The philosophy is directed on development of the generalized system of sights at the world and on a place of the person in it; it investigates the cognitive, valuable, sociopolitical, moral and aesthetic attitude of the person to the world.

However, Frances Bacon (1561 - 1626) spoke that the small philosophy removes mind of the person to atheism, and the deep philosophy results him in religion. The word "philosophy", because of our ignorance, has got completely deformed sense. For the first time it has been used by Pythagoras - the Philosopher is the one who tries to discover and find out. As against a word a wise man - the person who knows. Philosophy - not only love to wisdom, but also wisdom of Love.

The present period of a human history is characterized by change of epoch, change of human races and, naturally, change of world outlook systems. Undoubtedly, that the new form of knowledge will be synthesizing all already existing: a science, philosophy and religion. Two ways will merge in one that will raise human consciousness on a new level and will enable tremendous discoveries.

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