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The study:

Joy is a bridge to the Heaven

Rainbow, N. Roerich

1. Joy and its manifestation.
2. The practical benefit of Joy.
3. Joy is a path. The culture of Joy.

I have a smile -
The hardly-noticed movement of lips
I keep it for you -
By love it has been given to me

A. Ahmatova.

1. Many religions and doctrines mention Joy as special quality. They also speak about various derivative states: a smile, goodheartedness, ecstasy, delight, admiration, cheerfulness etc. "Joy is the special wisdom" - Living Ethics says. / Illumination, § 163 /

With words of Teachers, Agni Yoga advises us to learn to contain Joy of the Light, rejoicing at each leaf awakened to life, each solar ray, and each movement in the world, because it is breathe of Absoluteness.

Buddha advised at the happiest hour to remember misfortune, thus, not reducing Joy because the tempered and correctly cultivated Joy never will weaken under an impact of everyday problems.

" Learn to face all kinds of dangers, yet this knowledge should not deprive you of the ability to rejoice in life ", - the Teacher says, - " in danger itself lies the source of Joy every danger carries the seed of Joy ". Disinterested service, constant total dedication and self-sacrifice bear joy, too. Always to give easier and more joyfully, than to take, enslaving itself with duties.

"Everyone can serve his neighbor, and everyone can give, even when there seems to be nothing to give. How glorious is that inexhaustible giving" / Supermundane /

The greatest Hierarch, Jesus Christ, preached: "Don't be sad as hypocrites … ", " Stay in joy… " /Matph. 6:16/, /Matph. 5:12/

This doctrine has also found reflection in modern spiritual and religious currents, as for example, Schetinin's "School of Joy ".

2. So, why joy itself and everything, what is connected with it, takes such huge place in many Teachings? - Certainly, because of its practical benefit, thus all sacred ancient books had deep practical value, and any of them did not speak about something abstract, about something that does not exist.

First of all, with Joy we accumulate psychic energy due to which we live. Therefore it is possible to tell, that Joy give us a life. Every ecstasy and admiration with Beauty collects from space corpuscles of vital energy. Russian word "radost' " means " dost(atok) (U)ra " or " a prosperity of Light ". Living Ethics teaches:

"More than once you will be asked where is the nursery that produces the beautiful garden of fiery energy. You will say, "In the joy of Beauty." Thus, enthusiasm will be the shortest way to the accumulation of psychic energy". /Agni Yoga §546/

At minutes of strong weariness it is enough some high thoughts about fine things to restore forces. Accordingly, work which is carried out with pleasure, in high spirits never brings weariness, except physical tiredness, and can last indefinitely. In joy it is possible to overcome any difficulties. And soldiers of ancient armies went to fight joyfully, in a solemn condition of spirit, strengthening them-self by fighting shouts, "Hurrah! Ur! ".

Wise people always derived the strength necessary for a podvig in Joy. They went on till death for the sake of a Justice resisting to unrestrained elements or entering in leprosarium to leprous ones.

Illnesses can be cured By Joy because such feelings as Joy, delight and admiration changes the chemism of blood, and the substances raising immunity of the person develops in an organism; and the modern science already conducts research in this direction (experiences by Goryayev, etc.) .

"In ancient India there was a community of physicians who were called "creators of joy." They believed that for successful healing the patient had to be surrounded by joy. They had learned about the healing properties of joy that attract the best vibrations, both mundane and supermundane; by this method, the patient's condition was improved and his cure proceeded successfully.

Also, it can be seen that when the physician speaks with joy, the patient more readily trusts him." /Supermundane, § 843 / Even Jesus Christ could not cure without belief.

The admiration and Joy of heart give those energies which have the subtle body, supporting health in entire organism. But only the feeling sated with the supreme impulses, gives the necessary consequences. Therefore one never must to take careless fun of levity and carelessness for Joy because the joy is a work serious and responsible.

3. Under the law of physics similar draws similar. Intense energies in our organism draw from Cosmos corresponding ones. Therefore, the joyful admiration of spirit is one of the bridges connecting the person with the Heaven.

"Not only the physical substance of this remedy but also its subtle, magnetizing Whether near a patient, or in the entire scope of life's creativeness, do not forget the healing quality effect on the process of treatment, work in cooperation with the best forces of the patient. of joy. Find the resourcefulness to summon joy even during difficult days. Find the strength to create joy, for there are many possibilities in space to kindle bonfires of joy. Truly, joy is the best guide on the supermundane paths.". /Supermundane, § 843 /

". Prayer must be joyful, for communion with the Higher World will actually be full of ecstasy and solemnity. It is possible only through realization of goal-fitness. It will be salutary through fullness of trust. It resounds with courage when the path is one… But such joy will be a special wisdom. ". /Aum, § 113/ The joy is a pledge of prosperity. As the Thinker said: " The Joy on force is equal to Love."

So we see that Joy is one of the basic conditions of an ascenting. But what culture of Joy should be? How to cultivate this noble quality? We will address for the help to the Teaching and look, what the Teachers says. "Joy is the special state. Fires of Joy are shining and luminiferous. When they show a constancy and stability, it means a victory of spirit above darkness. For doubts and fluctuations are joyfuless, the break off the Teacher is joyfuless, the service to dark ones is joyfuless, the life, deprived Light is joyfuless. If qualities of spirit are forms of lit fires in a microcosm of the person, then the Joy which I speak about, gives the supreme form of fire. " /Sides Of Agni Yoga, 1965, §99/

At all times guides of mankind advised among any life constantly to aspire to ocean of joy and to sate space with joyful thoughts. The lord of Light appeal for: "Man, do not cloud the joy of your neighbor. It may appear to you to be strange or insignificant, nevertheless, it contributes to the health of space, and it is not for you to judge the reasons for anyone's joy. Do not belittle something useful with derision and insult.

"Remember that you have been designated a guardian of space. You can restore health to it or can defile it. You cannot aspire to the Supermundane World if you are a source of deadly poisons. With your every breath you send either restoration of health or destruction into space."

Why does man think so rarely about the great responsibility of his existence? When coming again to Earth, everyone aspires to perfection; why then in earthly life do people so seldom dream about podvig?

The ancient legends are to them just impossible fairy tales. Man's thinking is depressed, like the decay of death, though every beautiful thought creates a new nerve in space.

People rarely dream about their future existence; therefore it is of great importance to speak often about the reality of the Supermundane World. Let all teachers find in every object a way of mentioning the greatness of Infinity. Children should raise their imaginations more often to realms of good.

The Thinker begged, "Avoid quarrels and bad memories, for they are harm-bearing". /Supermundane, § 764/

At children we should learn to go joyfully through the life. At them we should learn pure, disinterested Joy because they are much closer to the Fiery World with their innocence.

"Who will not accept the kingdom of the god as the child, that will not enter it ", - the Great Teacher said. /Mark 10:15/

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